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Orlando Together 2016

Downtown Credo hosted the second annual Orlando Together Float Building Competition, Parade, and Block Party this past Saturday in order to celebrate Orlando’s diversity. After-school programs, local radio stations, and community organizations like Central Florida Boys and Girls Club, New Image Youth Center, Canvs, and Playground City came together to demonstrate our love for the diversity of the city beautiful, Orlando. Downtown Credo provided each group with a core set of ingredients with the hack challenge of making a float in just 3 hours at the Downtown Rec Center.

If the hack challenge wasn’t enough, the weather threw in another curve ball: rain! The Orlando kids, dressed up as little pieces of art, paraded through Parramore, smiles from ear to ear, eager for some Caro Bama BBQ and block party fun at Z. L. Riley park. We didn’t mind the rain much, and for those who did, IKEA was prepared with umbrellas to share.

We met some awesome Orlando Kids that live and breathe the essence of Playground City. So much so, that 2 of the New Image Youth Center kids made a playlist for the Playground City table! Just as we were brainstorming a "mascot playlist," 2 fully costumed parade participants appeared and taught us how to create artistic costumes, and together we formed our 3rd ever playlist (to be released in April).

With such a great weekend behind us, we have much to look forward to! Keep an eye out for footage from our Demonstration Event happening April 6, where we’ll release the drone playlist and award the first Playground City badge. And if you missed Orlando Together 2016, catch us at Walk For Trees & 5k on April 10th to benefit Ideas For Us.

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